The Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) joins young people in Venezuela and the world over in marking the 28th anniversary of the Venezuelan National Dignity Day.

Today marks the 28th anniversary since the 1992 civic-military rebellion commanded by former President Hugo Chavez. The event was the catalyst which gave way to the eventual Bolivarian Revolution that took place with Chavez being elected into power in 1999. Both the 1992 National Dignity Day as well as the election of Chavez and the PSUV to lead Venezuela meant a new era for the then oppressed and forgotten masses of the Venezuelan society- the poor citizens and working class as a whole.

The PSUV and Chavez began to reverse the 1989 application of neoliberal measures imposed by the IMF through the then Government.

That popular uprising is known as “El Caracazo” and was a source of inspiration for a group of young military officers, who conducted the widespread popular discontent and Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200 (MBR-200) led by Hugo Chávez.

On the 4th of February the target was the presidential resident and important cities such as Maracaibo, Valencia y Maracay. Even though in those other cities the young militaries succeeded, in Caracas was not the case. Chávez soon gave himself up to the government. Chávez was then allowed to appear on national television where he famously stated that he had only failed “por ahora” (“for now”).

The setback was only temporary with Chavez and the PSUV being suessfuly elected into government in a mere seven years later. Nowadays the Venezuelans see this date as a day of National Dignity which started a process of structural change that allowed the advent of the Bolivarian Revolution, which has built a social order of inclusion, justice and equality, having an impact on the political transformation that marked the first decade of the 21st century in Venezuela and the whole Latin America and the Caribbean region.

The scope and impact of this historic date 4th of February 1992 National Dignity Day of Venezuela remains significant, because in essence it is the continuity of a struggle against imperialism, and at the same time personifies the hope of freedom and emancipation against the oppression that for centuries, suffered the Venezuelan people by a corrupted oligarchy. Indeed the celebration and marking of today is the celebration of the heroic peoples of the world who are standing up and against corruption, oppression and exploitation!

The YCLSA reiterate its support and solidarity for the people of Venezuela against the US led imperialist onslaught on the independence of the Bolivarian Republic.

Issued by the YCLSA

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