The Young Communist League of South Africa has learnt with shock and disgust the utterances made by AfriForum that farmers should now take up arms and defend themselves. In the same spirit, we have equally noted AfriForum’s #TheWorldMoTWeet campaign currently underway in the imperialist hub, the United States of America.

The statement made by AfriForum is nothing but an agitation for lawlessness and an attempt to declare a motion of no confidence on the government of the day. The statement is irrational and emerges out of a panic attack on the ongoing parliamentary process on section 25.

The so called “Afrikaner lobby group” has refused to withdraw the statement made on Wednesday the 20th of February 2020 where it called on farmers to take up arms to “equip and empower themselves”. The statement by AfriForum is a mobilization for civil war under that guise that “no other group in the country is targeted as much as statements like Kill the Boer are made”.

It is rather shocking but not surprising that AfriForum calls on farmers to take up arms and defend themselves but says absolutely nothing about farm workers. This confirms that the alleged defense is equally targeted at farm workers. AfriForum has gone to the extent of introducing a training program for this defense agitation.

Equally, it is now understood that the sudden imperialist attack on South Africa is fueled by AfriForum as an attempt to stop the on-going parliamentary process on section 25 after the lobby group failed to do so in court. Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, confirmed that ‘a delegation from AfriForum is currently in the USA with a campaign #TheWorldMoTWeet to inform the media, opinion makers, politicians and other role players about what is happening in the country’. Kriel referred to US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who has suddenly become the self-imposed custodian of the South African constitution calling for the state to withdraw both the parliamentary process on section 25 and the copy rights bill.

The actions of AfriForum are nothing but an insult to a hard-earned democracy and total disrespect of the South African constitution. Neither AfriForum nor its imperialist allies can be able to determine or define democracy for South Africans. The lobby group is not special and should be condemned for disrespecting South Africans.

The YCLSA calls on farmers, farm workers and peace-loving South Africans to condemn both the campaigns initiated by AfriForum. The constitution of the Republic of South Africa remains the supreme law of the land and not AfriForum and its imperialist antics.

The YCLSA calls on the President of the Republic of South Africa to sign the Copy Rights Bill into law.

Issued by the YCLSA

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Dloze Matooane
National Spokesperson
066 570 3902
Whatsapp: 0826920127

Dineo Mokoena
Media and Liaison
073 969 8532