24 January 2020

The Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) welcomes the report released by the Gauteng Department of Education on the tragedy that occurred during a trip embarked on by the Park Town Boys High to the Nyathi Bush and Riverbreak lodge in Britz where Enock Mpianzi lost his life.

It our firm view as the YCLSA that heads must roll and all those responsible should be properly prosecuted to bring about justice to the life of Enock Mpianzi and his family. It is in light of the latter that we view the actions of the Gauteng Department of Education as appropriate. Amongst others, the Department has decided to suspend the head master of the school and the district officials involved in this matter. The report equally found that the school had made a request for the district to approve the trip, however, by the time the school embarked on the trip, the district and the province had not approved the trip. This means that the school violated the procedure and embarked on the trip unlawfully. Therefore, in our view, those who decided to unlawfully embark on the trip should be held responsible for the events which occurred during the trip.

We equally welcome all the necessary measures put in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. However, we are concerned that these measures are only for future trips related to water activities and not all activities which have a potential of the loss of life.

The YCLSA also calls on the Department of Education and the law enforcement agencies to bring the culprit to book. Even though it is understood that the Department cannot play the role of law enforcement agencies, we believe that the Department of Education has a role to play in ensuring that the culprit (the owner of the lodge) is equally brought to book. The visuals that the country was exposed to during the visit to the site where Enock lost his life gave closure on why learners keep losing their lives at the said lodge. The Lodge is totally ignorant to the health and safety standards which should be put in place to ensure the safety of the learners.

Therefore, all those who played a role must pay! Including the culprit!

Issued by the YCLSA

For Inquiries contact:

Dloze Matooane
National Spokesperson
066 570 3902
Whatsapp: 0826920127
Email: dmdma…@gmail.com

Dineo Mokoena
Media and Liaison
073 969 8532